Thursday, April 4, 2013

My Favorite Place in Seattle

One of my favorite places in Seattle is Easy Street Records and Cafe. It's located in West Seattle at "the Junction" of California and Alaska. It's not a fancy cafe but rather the opposite with torn vinyl seats and loud alternative music blasting from speakers perched high up on the poster plastered walls. It's almost assured that the waiter or waitress will have facial piercings and at least two tattoos. I suppose that's all part of the appeal. In addition to the music and the staff, there is always some bizzare art work or posters to look at while waiting for ones meal, which is the real reason for going there. Just reading the menu is entertaining at Easy Street Cafe. All the menu items are music themed, like New Wave O rancheros. (It's a bit of a play on words; huevos is Spanish for eggs, but "new wave" was a post disco/pre-punk style of music) or there's the Johnny Cash Special if you are more of a country style guy. It helps if you know something about American music to appreciate the names of the dishes. Therefore, it's probably a confusing menu for ESL students. However, it's a pretty cool place especially if you like alternative music. If you do decide to go there, mid-morning on a weekday is your best bet. Weekends are really busy and the cafe closes at 3:00 pm, so you can't go after school.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Spring 2013 Blogs

As part of Writing 4, you will keep blogs as a form of journal. These can be viewed easily by other class members and the general public, so please check your grammar and spelling. Although you can type directly into your blog, some students prefer to type in Word, then copy and paste into their blogs. You can also get a Blogger app to use on your tablet or smart phone. Usually I will assign a general topic for you to write on. when you have finished a post you can put the link in the Discussions area of Canvas to get credit. You also will need to read your classmate's blogs and post comments.

Click here to see some student blogs from previous quarters. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Little by little, growing stronger
One life shared by two
Violets in a tiny bouquet
Everyone needs love

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Snow pictures

I really enjoyed the snow days last week. All the trees around my house were blanketed in soft clean snow. My son and his friends spent the afternoon playing in the snow building snowforts and having snow ball fights. Later on in the day, we all went sledding on the hill near our house. We had so much snow that I was able to put on my crosscountry skis and go for a ski tour in my neighborhood.

My niece in West Seattle also had a nice vacation. She saw this snowman sculpture while she was walking around.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Hi, my name is Kathryn, and I'm an ESL teacher at South Seattle CC. I'm creating this blog to get to know you better and share our writing. I've been teaching English for about twenty years. I have lived in France as a student and I lived in a homestay, so I know how it feels to be an international student. I also have lived in Jakarta, Indonesia, where I taught English for two years. It was hard for me to live in a very different culture and climate, but it was a good experience for me and I fully understand the difficulties of culture shock.

More recently, I lived in Brisbane, Australia where my husband was working on an international assignment for Boeing. I've been teaching at South Seattle Community College for a year now and like helping international students. when I'm not teaching, I enjoy skiing, hiking, sailing and kayaking. I also like to cook and read. My favorite food and drink are chocolate and coffee.  If you want to know more about me or about my life in Australia, you can go to my other blog.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Valentine's Day

For me, Valentine's day isn't all that special. there are several reasons why I feel this way. First, my birthday is February 16th, just tow days later, so usually go out to dinner on my birthday and not on Valentine's Day. Second, often restaurants are really crowded and busy, so going out is usually not all that fun anyway. Also, we've been married for fourteen years and have a kid, so life is not all that romantic during the week. Finally, we prefer to save our money for vacations, so husband and I have agreed not to spend too much money on silly gifts. He usually just gets me a small bouquet of flowers, and I get him a card and make his favorite dessert, apple rhubarb crisp, for dessert.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Hello! Nice to meet you!

Hi My name is Kathryn and this is my fouth or fifth blog. I enjoy teaching writing and hope that you like blogging in this class. My other blog is mostly about travel and adventures. Check it out.